We have begun disbursement of support kits once again to 350+ families in batches of 30 a day.
If you consider and would like to contribute immediately, check out our donation information page.
We have begun disbursement of support kits once again to 350+ families in batches of 30 a day.
Development and amélioration while preserving the core values of our culture has been and remains our central mode of intervention. Here’s to many more years of being agents of empowerment and transformation
Pending school reopening Sharana distributes Tamil Books steeped in vernacular folklore, to its children It has been over 3 months since the children have been to school; and the effects of the Pandemic is clear in several of the vulnerable communities Sharana works with. The children have missed out on a large academic chunk and… Read more »
-penned by Ms Jagriti Shankar This report provides a preliminary review of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the beneficiaries of Sharana’s Women Social Entrepreneurship Program. This program is being supported by Majany, Luxembourg.
Here is a summary of our distribution at the end of day 2. Number of families supported 355 of 1000 (supported families) Provision details 10 Kgs rice, 1 Kg dal, 1 Kg rava, 0.5 Kg sugar Number of Distribution Days 3 to 4 days BPL rations card holders: All Percentage of daily wage earners All… Read more »
This morning we were able to start distributing provision items to 400 families affected by Covid19 within the programs of the organisation after getting the required permissions from the District Administration. All Social Distancing and Hygiene protocols have been maintained as per the Govt of India’s directives; such as wearing masks and gloves, proper and… Read more »
-penned by Vandana Shah and Jagriti Shankar Dear Friends, Yes, it is a time of global crisis and all the 1000+ children and their families have been affected by it. Yes, it is not an easy time. Period. And yet our heart is filled with renewed energies as many friends of Sharana from across the… Read more »
-penned with social workers Prakash and Anbarasan In the wake of the Covid-19 world-wide outbreak, in the last few days Sharana conducted several activities of Awareness of Hygiene and promoting Safe Practices such as frequent Handwashing, maintaining social distance etc. It was a pleasure to have once again collaborated with the Department of Women and… Read more »
-penned by Ms. Jagriti Shankar (Programme Director) Sharana marked International Women’s Day in the new social center, in the presence of our team of social workers and social work interns of the Pondicherry University. The earlier plan was to invite over 100 women beneficiaries of Sharana under different programs and celebrate the day with them,… Read more »
-penned by Alo, board member When caught in an eddie every effort to save yourself results in exhaustion and hopelessness and you are left with little option but to wait and pray for rescue to throw you a lasso. And that changes everything. Puja was caught up and spread out thin in the relentless circle… Read more »