About Sharana
Supporters & Partners

Sharana prides itself for its level of transparency and openness to suggestions and support from like-minded people and organisations.

We do not believe in duplicating programs or ideologies in the same geographical boundaries and believe that good work multiplies when shared.

Please find below some of the organisations we have work and associate ourselves closely with:

● Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry
● Aurelius, Germany
● Azim Premji Foundation, India
● Bookbox/Planetread, Puducherry
● Childline, Puducherry
● Clowns Without Borders, France and India
● DiA, UK
● Fonds du Cœur, France
● France Volontaires, France
● French Consulate, Puducherry
● Friends International, Cambodia
● Golden Chain Fraternity, Puducherry
● Indianostrum Theatre, Puducherry
● Majany, Luxembourg
● Mission Bambini, Italy
● Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
● Pas Sans Toit, France
● Pratham Books, Bangalore
● Restorative Circle Auroville(L’aura Joy, Auroville)
● Samskriya Foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
● Sankalpa Art Journey, Auroville
● SEME, France
● Sharana France, France
● Sharana Netherlands, Holland
● Souffle de l’Inde, France
● Swahansa Expressive Arts India, Auroville, Tamilnadu, India
● Straive, India
● Symbiosis Centre for Media & Communication (SCMC), India
● The Toy Bank, Delhi
● Tulir, Chennai


You can contribute!

Sharana receives several volunteers every year, particularly from Europe and the United States. Volunteers bring new energy and skill-sets to the organization, along with stories and experiences from other parts of the world.

Learn more about Sharana:
Mission & Vision
Annual Report
Learn more about our programs:
Homework Help Centre
Medical Outreach and Referral Centre
Vocational Training