It was an honour and absolute pleasure to receive Her Excellency the Lt Governor of Pondicherry Dr. Kiran Bedi at the Sharana Office this morning.
She was received by our President Mrs Rajkala, members of the Board and the staff of the organization.
Dr. Bedi was greeted by our children from the Gayatri House who welcomed her with the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra. Our VTC Boys were also present in their uniform for the occasion from Aranganur.
In the moments spent, Mrs Rajkala introduced and explained to her the organization, the projects and the development oriented aims towards which Sharana works every day.
She was introduced to the Gayatri House Programme, the Angalakuppam and Aranganur activities as well as the Back to School, Spirulina and VTC programmes. She was explained the nature and results of our Art Therapy activities as well as the potential of our Seeds of Change Programme.
It was a wonderful morning for us all at Sharana- a big word of appreciation to the team that collaborated and organised the event and ensured the premises vibrated with enthusiastic positive energy from them as well as the children.
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