A new bus for the Gayatri House, bought with the assistance of Fonds du Coeur, has created much excitement among children and staff. .

The bus is used to drop the Gayatri House children home at the end of the day and for other activities associated with the children’s programs. It gives the program, its children, and its staff much-needed new mobility and opens out the possibilities of adventuring to new experiences and exchanges.

One such has just materialized. The new bus carries drop-in center children to the community center in Aranganur on Saturdays. In Aranganur, they have so much more open space for all the activities that were more constrained at the Gayatri House location in Pondicherry town.

Starting from the beginning of June, 40-50 Gayatri House children have been taken weekly to Aranganur for art therapy sessions, outdoor games, and of course a nice healthy meal prepared at the Aranganur kitchen.