Sharana has been referring cases to CHILDLINE 1098 since over 5 years.


CHILDLINE 1098 is a 24- hour national toll-free emergency outreach service for children under the age of 18 who are in need of care and protection. The project is supported by Ministry of Women and Child Development, New Delhi. The project is implemented by NGOs across India in more than 400 centres. In Puducherry, PMSSS is the implementing partner of CHILDLINE 1098 since 2011.

In the last 2 weeks, Sharana and CHILDLINE(PMSSS) have collaborated on two occasions.


On the 2nd of June, Mr Manikandan- team member from Childline spoke to a group of over 40 children from the programs of Sharana and held a motivation session as well. The event was full of interactive audio-visual content.


Every year June 12th is observed as International Day against Child Labour. On account of this day, a small campaign was organized by CHILDLINE Puducherry earlier today, the 9th of June. In total about 100 children participated in a Mini Marathon which started from the Gandhi Statue and culminated at the PMSSS office. Over 50 children from Sharana participated in the race; and two of our children Alson and Ragul stood 1st and 2nd respectively!


The event began with some eminent guests including the Honorable Chief Minister Mr. Narayanaswamy, Honorable Minister for Welfare of Puducherry Mr Kandasamy, PIPDIC Chairman Mr Shiva, Chairperson UTPCPCR Dr Devipriya and Rev Fr Joseph Arumaiselvam among others as well the children and other participants taking a pledge to abolish Child Labour in Puducherry.