Sharana’s Day Care Centre is located in Pondicherry town, and reaches out to the most vulnerable children from the street and slums of Pondicherry. These children have no stable homes, and are from families struggling themselves with substance abuse, violence, and poverty.
At the centre children are given a bath, clean clothes and breakfast, lunch and snacks by our early childhood teachers and the care givers. According to their age they are engaged in informal activities like educational games, drawing, music classes, and the basics of writing that will help them once when they are mainstreamed in the formal schools.

On weekdays we have a minimum of 50 children who access the centre, and on Saturdays and school holidays we have anything between 90 and 120 children at the day care centre!
This Saturday, the staff of the Day care centre took some of the children out to Bharati Park, for a morning of fun and games.
The children were so happy, they couldn’t stop smiling. Actually neither can we.