Penned by Ms.Thorvi Damle, Communications Manager

Visits from our supporters are always filled with enthusiasm, fun, and a lot of positive exchange of energy for our team. Ms. Gwenael Bourboulon, Vice President, and Ms. Judith Toulis, Treasurer of Sharana France visited us recently and interacted with the team, understanding their day-to-day work. 

It was an added joy that they could participate in celebrating the festival of “Ayudha Pooja”. On this day we show gratitude and reverence to all the tools we use throughout the day, be it vehicles, tools in the kitchen, and even computers. They lit the ceremonial lamp and interacted with the entire team and staff.
They got a chance to witness firsthand the impact that our team creates in collaboration with our beneficiaries. They met with our Founder, Ms. Rajkala Partha, CFO, Mr. Murugaiyan, and Operations Director, Ms. Vandana Shah to understand all the programs.
Later, they met with our Program Manager and Social Workers who form the foundation of the activities conducted by Sharana.
They also met the Our Accounts and Finance team who work silently at the backend so that the rest of the team can focus on making an impact in the field to our beneficiaries.
They visited the areas we work in and also met some of the beneficiaries, understanding their living and work conditions and how Sharana has impacted their lives.
It was a great opportunity for our team and they felt encouraged and inspired by this visit. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Gwenael and Ms. Judith.