We were very pleased to have Eva Darlan visit us at Sharana a couple of weeks ago. 

For those who do not know Eva, she is a well known (TV and Cinema) French actress. She had come to Pondy to perform in a French auto-biographical monologue at the Alliance Francaise in Pondicherry.

She learnt of Sharana’s activities through the French Consulate; making time during her busy schedule she managed to take a day off to visit the Sharana projects with Rajkala and left very impressed and contented with the work that we do with children and especially with the women.

She was patient and listened with attention about our experiences with the people in and around Pondicherry, with each conversation she tried to learn assimilate all she could about the “Indian woman”. It was all in all a wonderful jouney of discovery and deeper understanding with Eva Darlan.