We have 20 children in the shelter program. These are children who are extremely vulnerable and for various reasons cannot go back to the street. We would like to keep them under our care until we have a strong plan to re-integrate them back with their families.
However, this year, an increase of 30% in rent was asked for, and Sharana cannot afford to raise the funds for the sudden difference in the rent. Given this problem, we approached, under the guidance of Father Dominic, Arul Ashram.
They have a lovely place in Mathur, (a village in which we are already doing a lot of community development work) with a beautiful building which was lying vacant. Father Peter, who is the superior now, has given us the consent to use the space. He was also kind enough to get it cleaned for us and we shifted the children on Monday, the 30th of September, into this heaven of safety.
Thank you for such a beautiful place. Our children are truly blessed. We have no complaints; we believe even more strongly today, that everything, even things that seem negative, and hurtful, happen for a reason.
The children are getting used to their new home and loving the adventures that come with a big change in life. Their continued giggles and smiles keep us going.