Sharana staff and social workers meet regularly with the families of beneficiaries to address any concerns, motivate parents on the importance of keeping their children in school, to follow up on health care, and to plan for upcoming months. Our objective is always to keep clear lines of communication with parents, and to ensure that parents and the Sharana team work cooperatively for the children’s benefit. On January 22, thirteen mothers participated in a meeting organized for beneficiaries of the Early Childhood and Girls’ Programs.
Our Early Childhood Program teacher, Rani, and Amala convened and conducted this session.
Rani addressed the following:
- Whether the parents gave their children polio drops (innoculation).
- For children above 6 years, planning for enrollment in schools in the coming academic year.
- Advising on pocket money, which is discouraged;
- Counselling on hygiene regimens at home;
- Counselling also on directing other children abandoned on streets or slums to Sharana’s programs.

Next, Amala addressed the following:
- Counselling mothers on attending to their own health needs. Three mothers were referred to health care centers for regular checks.
- Forming groups for forthcoming training programs on creating handicrafts;
- Women’s day celebrations to take place on March 7th (just in advance of International Women’s Day on March 8);
- Directions to bring their children’s study certificates for the coming year in order to obtain further study materials and supplies.

As the session was held at the Drop-in Center, Idayamani was a contributor to the discussion as well: