Sharana Social Centre

The Sharana Main office houses the official and administrative facilities of Sharana. It also is the workplace of the social workers and all administrative staff of the organisation.

Most importantly, the building is open to children from Mondays-Saturdays; they can access the library, do their homework or simply play some games or make a drawing.

The building is also open to receive women and other members of the communities when they would like to meet the social workers and discuss their problems in private.

The building houses a Homework Help Centre in the evenings.

You can contribute!

If you consider and would like to contribute immediately, check out our donation information page.


Sharana receives several volunteers every year, particularly from Europe and the United States. Volunteers bring new energy and skill-sets to the organization, along with stories and experiences from other parts of the world.

Learn more about our other locations:
TN Palayam
Learn more about our programs:
Sports and Games
Village Crèche
Women’s Empowerment